With each match in the brand new version of Sport Heads, you can choose your opponents and play with him to try to get the better score to win the game. In each match the play who can reach 7 scores first is the winner. At the beginning of the game you may face some difficulties controlling your player, but then when you get enough skills to move and hit the ball at will, you will find this game very interesting and worth playing for you. The AI of the computer players is much better in the previous Sport Heads versions. More and more challenges are there for you.
With each match in the brand new version of Sport Heads, you can choose your opponents and play with him to try to get the better score to win the game. In each match the play who can reach 7 scores first is the winner. At the beginning of the game you may face some difficulties controlling your player, but then when you get enough skills to move and hit the ball at will, you will find this game very interesting and worth playing for you. The AI of the computer players is much better in the previous Sport Heads versions. More and more challenges are there for you.